Maui Gallery

We know we promised it yesterday but better late than never. Here’s a selection of Photo’s from the last week on Maui, with action at Ho’okipa and Jaws. The photos were all shot by Jimmie Hepp and you can check out tons more action on his Facebook.

There’s no hiding it we’re fans of Bernd Roediger, and this shot was great so he get’s the cover, Morgan Noireaux was a close runner up with a sick shot of his Air Taka, and so were some shots of Robby.
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Fiona Wylde on Massive Ho’okipa

The young Fiona Wylde continues to impress at only 15, check out here at Ho’okipa where she’s on one massive swell.

Hookipa on fire!

Epic conditions at Ho’okipa on April 6th. Mast and mast and a half high waves hit North Shore of Maui. A lot of the big riders were hunting for wavesd at Jaws, which did turnout as expected, but still saw some action. At that time Ho’okipa was left nearly empty, with only a few guys out. This video captures Ferdinando Loffreda, Morgan Noireaux, Nat Gill and Bernd Roediger.

Take 1 – featuring Graham Ezzy

Kevin Pritchard’s latest sport short features Graham Ezzy windsurfing on Maui, Hawaii.

Here’s Graham’s take on working with Kevin:

“Kevin Pritchard has 8 windsurfing world titles and also makes films about windsurfing. Being the subject of his latest sport short, “Take 1”, makes me one of the happiest pro windsurfers on and off the water.

When Kevin showed me the first edit, I got goosebumps (or as they say in Hawaii: chicken-skin). It was surreal to see one of windsurfing’s heroes making a short about me. Some of my earliest memories of watching windsurfing events involve seeing Kevin boost 50 feet in the air before rotating into a delayed forward rotation. Or, when I was 16 and competing as the youngest pro on my second year of the professional windsurfing tour, KP added yet another world title to his collection.


Being filmed by a legend has benefits beyond the cool factor. Windsurfing is one of the hardest sports to film, according to every filmmaker I have ever worked with. The first take is the only take. Each wave breaks differently than every other wave. Framing can’t be planned but must be improvised. The strong winds vibrate the camera and the long lens required to keep a tight frame on the windsurfer half a mile out to sea.

There is only one take for every shot. If that take is blown, the whole shot is gone.

When nothing is planned, having an 8x world champion behind the lens makes a difference. He can read me as I read the waves, anticipating my maneuvers. It’s like a dance to an unfamiliar song with a familiar partner.

KP doesn’t have to imagine what its like to jump 50 feet into the air or drop into a 50 foot wave at jaws. He has done all that and more. When I take a foot off my board during a back rotation, I know that he was the first one to do it, winning a world title off that jump in 2002.

And even with Kevin’s skill, shots still get missed. By some version of murphy’s law it seems that the best moves escape capture and must live forever as a memory. Making a short like this, even just 4 minutes in length, takes a few months of filming.

My favorite part of Kevin’s edit is that it feels really honest: the feeling it gives reminds me of what it is like to be on the water.”

Photo Friday – Easter Edition

Maui is back on, so there’s no doubt about it we’ve got a collection of shots from Jimmie Hepp who captures the action on H0’okipa, plus some other great shots from around the World. For the cover shot this week is was a tough call between the insane tweaked aerial of Kai Lenny and the massive air of Philip Koster, but the crazy back bend of Kai gets it. Happy Easter.
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Jason Polakow Ho’okipa

From chasing big waves around the World Jason Polakow like a good session at home, which just happens to be Maui. “… at the end of the day I really like going back home and getting a really good day in Ho’okipa, especially with my friends…”

Watch him rip it up in this clip.

Photo Friday

Another great photo Friday. Shots from Ho’okipa continue to dominate, maybe it’s the great photography of Jimmie Hepp, the concentration of the Worlds best riders in one spot, or a combination of the two… who’s to know. The cover shot goes to the amazing tweaked table top from Daida Ruano Moreno.
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Air Time

Bernd Roediger scores a huge day at Ho’okipa.  Big waves and wind came in and Bernd was Ready to rip, “[I was] just trying to do these creatures justice with this air.”

Photo Friday – March is Here

March is here, February is going out with a bang, and lets hope March is as good! Check out this weeks photo Friday where we highlight the best windsurfing shots from Around the World.
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Photo Friday – Maui Centric

Maui is the epicenter of windsurfing, with Ho’okipa and Jaws going off we’ve got quite a few shots this week from Ho’okipa, including Graham Ezzy going hands free. But there’s also a good handful from around the World, enjoy!

All the pics are after the jump.
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Kauli Seadi on Maui

We wish the video quality was better, but the skill from Brazilian legend Kauli Seadi is amazing as he hits up Ho’okipa, Jaws and Kanaha.

Boujmaa Guilloul – Wave Trotter

Windsurfing action staring Moroccan Boujmaa Guilloul at Ho’okipa Beach Park and Lanes during the end of 2012.

Photo Friday February 8th 2013

We bring you some of the best shots of the last week and a few older ones. Enjoy! Sorry we missed a lot of great shots from Ho’okipa.

Coming Home ft. Kevin Pritchard

The story is about Kevin “coming home” to his roots after having accomplished his goal of winning a world title.

Watch as Kevin Pritchard travels along the West Coast of North America from Baja up to Vancouver Island (although he scored no session on the Island).  Everything started with the trips to the American Windsurfing Tour events and Kevin and Johannes from Maui Nerd Productions never had the intention to make a clip about these trips, but in the end and looking through the clips, they saw some beauty and decided to share the footage with us. “Some would call it a video or a movie: We say it’s more a slideshow of good memories, unique moments with unique friends, funny stupid things, stunning nature and some great sailing!” (MNP)

Enjoy, it’s one of our favorite movies lately!

Photo Friday – So Much Awesome!

It was hard to pick a cover photo for this week.  We’ve got Robby Naish’s signature style at Ho’okipa, and Graham Ezzy who gave an amazing show also at Ho’okipa, but the one photo of Levi Siver stood out!
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