Two days of sailing in Camocim

Swiss freestyler Loick Spicher travelled to Brazil and finished made this clip from last weekend sailing at Camocim, also featuring Hugo de Souza and Jamilson de Souza.

I made a clip out of our footage we had from last Saturday and Sunday.
As you can see in the movie the two locals Jamilson and Hugo are ripping really good. Hugo who is only 15 years old, improved very much and is now landing impressive moves. Even he had almost no sailing since January, he improves so fast that in only one month he makes big steps. Since August he is back on the water and sails every day.
After having his FIRST double Culos attempts last Saturday, I can tell you now that yesterday in the late afternoon he already made it to land one perfectly clean!
The question now is: Who will be the first to make him sign a contract and bring him to competition?
For me it’s just a question of the time till Hugo is going to challenge with the world best freestylers. – Loick Spicher