Yarden Meir Joins Loft Sails

The Loft Sails are happy to announce that Israeli freestyle expert Yarden Meir joins our international team for 2013!

Yarden was ranked 11th PWA in 2011 after 6 events that year, but last year he was not able tocompete due to an injury that kept him out of the competition season. He is back in 2013 with Loftsails, and targets the podiums on the PWA. Yarden is currently training in Vietnam for 2 months and preparing a new action movie.

Best of luck to Yarden in the 2013 season !

2012 PWA FUERTEVENTURA from Loft Sails

Follow the Loft Sails international team during the PWA Slalom event in Fuerteventura 2012 – Ben Van Der Steen, Patrick Diethelm, Antoine Questel, Maciek Rutwoski and Ludo Jossin. Ben Van Der Steen took second place.