AWT Quatro Desert Showdown – Day 2 It’s On!
At 1:30 Head Judge Keith Teboul made the call to start the Amateur Division with 16 minute heats! With the new competition bracket system in place first round winners would automatically advance to the third round, while second and third place finishers would have to battle it out in round 2 to stay alive.
All the riders were ripping in round one and making the most of the wave sets in their heats. Only 8 would auctomaticallya dvnce, those were Fiona Wylde, Jordan Reid, Ruben Lemmens, MacRae Wylde, Ian Stokes, Steve Roy, Roberto Torkildsen and Marc Bitoun.
The second round was higher pressure, with it being there second chance and only the two riders from each heat advancing to round 3. Luckily wind was up and waves pumped through. Winning these heats were Jay Watermeyer, Tanya Saleh, Mike Colee and Marty Rosse, while also advancing as second place finishers are Tom Soltysiak, Pete DeKay, Eric Sinclair and Tony Litke.
Masters Highlights
The first round of the Masters (over-45) has also been completed, with Steve Roy, Norm Roediger, MacRae Wylde and Ferdinando Loffreda winning there heats to advance. The “second chance” round will take place today with others looking to advance.
Youth Highlights
With only two youth riders venturing down to Baja, several heats will run for the duration of the contest. Round 1 saw Fiona Wylde catching some nice waves and landing a sick aerial to take the heat. Alex McKirgan made it close with some nice turns on some bigger set waves. Both these young riders are really ripping.